Unleash Your Inner Hunter with the Ultimate Animal Magnetism OSRS Quest Guide


Are you looking to complete the Animal Magnetism quest in Old School RuneScape ( OSRS )? This quest is a fast-paced, exciting journey, not to mention an opportunity to obtain and upgrade an invaluable item - the Ava’s Device.

If you’re new to this quest and haven't completed it before, then you might find it quite challenging. But don’t worry, this article will guide you through OSRS's Animal Magnetism quest and help you complete it successfully.

What is the Animal Magnetism Quest?

The Animal Magnetism quest was released in 2006, and it revolves around helping Ava, a young girl who is a talented inventor and has created a device that can pick up lost arrows from the ground. However, her creations are being disturbed by an unknown, unseen force.

You will have to solve various mysteries, fight powerful undead monsters, and use your range skills to take down bosses in this quest.

Requirements to Start the Quest

Before you begin the quest, you must have some specific requirements, including:

  • A ranged level of at least 18.
  • A Slayer level of 19 (if you wish to skip a part of the dungeon).
  • Completion of Ernest the Chicken quest and Priest in Peril quest.
  • Ability to kill a level 51 monster, as well as three low-level skeletons.

The Quest Guide

The first step to start the quest is to speak to Ava, who is located east of Draynor Village. She will request your help in tracing the source of the unknown interference she's experiencing, and she’ll also grant you access to her laboratory.

You'll have to explore the lab and obtain two items - “a witch’s cat” and “Tracker gnome.” These items will help you track the source of Ava’s interference, which will ultimately lead you on a long adventure.

After locating and defeating various monsters in the Dungeon, you’ll then need to get a hammer ghost's skull and throw it at the boss monster, Count Draynor. The item allows you to enter the second floor of the mansion.

The real action starts on the mansion’s second floor. You must hunt the undead, remove metalbars, collect key parts, and, ultimately, hide from the deadly furnace room. You’ll also encounter traps, which you must avoid.

Completing the Quest

After overcoming violent spirits, traps, and other obstacles, you’ll finally come across a machine that has been causing Ava so much trouble. To destroy the dangerous entity, you'll need to use one of Ava’s inventions, a device that sucks the undead monster into another dimension. Once done, you'll receive your reward – Ava’s Device - and complete the Animal Magnetism quest.


The Animal Magnetism quest is a challenging and exciting game that will test your skills and patience. Completing it successfully is a test of dedication and perseverance. With this quest guide, you will have all the necessary information to start, progress and finish the quest. Good luck and happy gaming!


Animal Magnetism is a quest in the Old School RuneScape, which requires players to help Ava, who needs assistance in retrieving stolen items in her family crypt. This task is not for the faint-hearted, but with proper planning and strategy, completion is possible. In this guide, we will walk through the steps to complete the Animal Magnetism Quest, so strap in and let's get started.


Before starting, there are some requirements that must be met:

  • 13 Magic level
  • Able to defeat a level 20 foe without weapons or food
  • Level 35 woodcutting to cut willow treelogs

Starting The Quest

Now that the requirements are met, it's time to begin the quest. The quest begins by starting a conversation with Ava at Draynor Manor.

Searching The Manor

The first step is to search the manor for clues about the theft. The clues will point you in the direction of Perchat, who is suspected to have stolen Ava's belongings. Head towards the shed outside the manor where you will find a gear lying on the ground. Use a pot or bucket to obtain the cog and keep it safe as it will come to use later in the mission.

The Map Puzzle

The next step involves solving a map puzzle. The solution is to locate a marked location marked on the clue scroll, then search the crate to receive instructions on how to access Ava's family crypt secret entrance. Work your way down to access the doors and start exploring the crypt.

Attack of the Undead

As you proceed further into the crypt, you will come face to face with several undead creatures. Ensure you have a holy symbol on you to protect yourself from their attacks.

Mastering The Boat Journey

The journey to check Perchat's hideout requires a player to be brave and sharp. After being attacked by the undead in the crypt, you must master the boat journey to reach Perchat's hideout. Be careful not to skip this process as it leads you to the room where he keeps Ava's stolen belongings.

Stolen Goods and Crafting

Once you reach Perchat's hideout, there are various crafting puzzles that must be solved to access Ava's stolen belongings. If you get stuck or confused during any of these parts, go back to Ava and discuss with her the details to get back on track.

Battle at the Altar

After retrieving the plundered loot, get ready for the final showdown with a Level 24 Skeleton Hellhound in the Altar room. Make sure you are fully equipped with the right weapons and prayer and attack with all your strength.

Reward For Completion

Congratulations, you've completed the quest! We hope it was an exciting and challenging experience for you. As a reward, you will receive some ancient pages needed later in the Morytanian Diary. You will also have access to the Groundskeeper's cottage, which contains a bank chest and serves as a teleport location.


The Animal Magnetism Quest comes packaged with lots of excitement and challenges that require players to stay alert and quick on their feet. As demonstrated in this guide, our goal was to give a step-by-step walkthrough of the quest to make it easier for players to navigate. Have fun completing the quest!

Animal Magnetism OSRS Quest Guide: A Comprehensive Comparison


Animal Magnetism is a quest in Old School RuneScape that requires players to have a minimum combat level of 18 and completion of the Priest in Peril quest. The aim of the quest is to help Ava, a skilled inventor, to retrieve her stolen research notes and build an ultimate device for tracking and retrieving arrows. In completing it, you will gain access to an arsenal of equipment upgrades and enjoy an exciting storyline filled with challenges and discoveries. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive comparison of everything you need to know about the quest using two perspectives; the conventional guide method versus the video walkthrough. This article will provide you with the pros and cons of each method and ultimately guide you towards completing the quest yourself.

Conventional Guide Method

The Conventional Guide Method is the traditional text-based guide that is entirely in writing. It is the more popular method of providing guidelines for gameplay in online games like OSRS. The following are the pros and cons of using this method for the Animal Magnetism quest.


1. Comprehensive: The Conventional Guide includes all the necessary information required to complete the quest, such as items needed, skill requirements, and the various steps and puzzles involved.

2. Enables Easy Note Taking: Writing down notes while following the guide is easy and straightforward, allowing the player to keep track of the quest's progress.

3. Convenient: As long as there is internet access, players can access the text-based guide which can be viewed on their mobile device or desktop computer.


1. Can be Confusing: Text-based guides can be convoluted and difficult to follow at times, especially for quests that require many steps.

2. Time-Consuming: Combing through the text-based guide can be time-consuming, as players often need to go back and forth between subheadings or pages to understand a specific step or instruction.

Video Walkthrough

A video walkthrough is an alternative method of completing Animal Magnetism quest in OSRS. It involves a video showing players all the necessary steps and information required to complete the quest. The following are the pros and cons of using this method.


1. Clear and Concise: Video walkthroughs provide visual cues that help players better understand the steps required for the quest.

2. Easy to Follow: Players can easily follow each step at their own pace, without having to go back-and-forth searching through different pages.

3. Provides a Multidimensional Viewpoint: With video walkthroughs, players can experience a multidimensional view of the quest which helps them grasp concepts visually.


1. Dependence on Quality: Video walkthroughs depend primarily on their quality. Low-quality videos can be challenging to follow, causing further confusion.

2. Requires steady internet access: As opposed to conventional guides, video walkthroughs require consistent internet connectivity to watch.

Comparison between Conventional Guide and Video Walkthrough method of completing Animal Magnetism Quest

Method Pros Cons
Conventional Guide Comprehensive, enables easy note-taking, convenient. Can be confusing and time-consuming.
Video Walkthrough Clear & concise, easy to follow, provides a multidimensional viewpoint. Dependent on quality and requires steady internet connectivity.


Overall, while both methods are reliable and adequately effective in completing the animal magnetism quest, we recommend using the video walkthrough. The primary reason is that the video walkthrough provides clear and concise visual cues. It's easier to follow, not as confusing, and provides you with a multi-dimensional experience. However, the video walkthrough will require steady access to the internet and significantly depend on the quality of the recording.After following through the video walkthrough once, we recommend following through the Conventional guide method so you can pick up any additional bits of information missed out on during the walkthrough. Conventional guide methods can be time-consuming and challenging to follow for some players. Conclusion, we recommend using both methods, firstly the Video walkthrough, then combine with the conventional guide method.

Animal Magnetism OSRS Quest Guide

If you're a fan of the popular game Old School RuneScape, then you might have already heard about Animal Magnetism, one of the quest series in the game. This quest is known to be quite challenging and is only available to members, but don't worry, we've got you covered! In this article, we'll provide a complete guide on how to complete Animal Magnetism OSRS Quest.


Animal Magnetism is a beginner-level quest that requires you to help Ava, an inventor, to solve a mystery of missing residents in her hometown of Draynor Manor. To complete the quest, you should have at least level 18 Crafting, level 19 Slayer, and have completed the Dwarf Cannon Quest.


Before you start the quest, make sure that you have the following items:
  • 35 Steel arrows
  • Hammer
  • 3 Planks
  • Nails
  • 2 unlit candles, tinderbox, and some food
  • Polished buttons made from bone scraps
  • Ghostspeak amulet, Ectophial or teleport runes to teleport to canifis village
  • Access to a furnace
  • Access to a magic table or teleport runes

Starting the Quest

To start the Animal Magnetism quest, you need to talk to Ava in her house west of the Windmill in Draynor Village. Her house is the building north of the Draynor Village bank. Once you're inside, speak with her, and she will tell you about the strange happenings in the village and ask for your help.

Step 1: Helping Ava

Ava will give you a magnet that she made, and it's up to you to make it stronger. First, you need to charge the magnet by using it on barnyard doors outside of her house. Once charged, you will need to attach a polished button to the magnet. You can create one by using bone scraps from the Lumbridge Catacombs and polishing them with a chisel.

Step 2: Finding the Missing Residents of Draynor Village

Once you have charged the magnet and attached a polished button, you need to use it to search for the missing residents of Draynor Village. To do so, use the magnet on each door of the houses in the village until you receive a strange signal. The signal will tell you which house holds a ghost.

Step 3: Talking With the Ghosts

After finding the house with the ghost, put on the Ghostspeak amulet, and talk to the ghost. They'll tell you their unfinished business, and you need to help them to move on to the afterlife. They'll give you a task to complete before they do so.

Step 4: Completing the Tasks

To complete the tasks, you need to go to different places and gather items specified by the ghosts. For instance, the ghost of Old Crone needs a gold bar, and the ghost in the room needs a frying pan. Once you have completed all the tasks, you need to return to Ava with the items.

Step 5: Finalizing the Quest

Once you've completed all the tasks, speak with Ava once again and hand over all the items. She will reward you with an enchanted crossbow, which can be accessed by going up the stairs in her house and clicking on the cupboard.


That's all there is to it! Completing the Animal Magnetism OSRS Quest is quite a feat, but you can do it with the right preparation and strategy. With this guide, you'll be able to complete the quest with ease and earn your enchanted crossbow. Remember to have fun and enjoy the game!

Animal Magnetism OSRS Quest Guide

Welcome to the Animal Magnetism quest guide! In this guide, we'll be covering all the steps you need to take to complete this popular quest in Old School RuneScape. This quest was released on September 28, 2004, and is a medium-length quest that requires some combat skills as well as some crafting and smithing abilities.

If you're looking for a fun and engaging quest that rewards you with some great items, then Animal Magnetism is definitely worth doing. The main objective of this quest is to help Ava, the caretaker of the animal magnetism machine, repair her machine so it can better serve the people of RuneScape. Along the way, you'll encounter various challenges and obstacles that will test your skills and abilities.

The first step in completing the Animal Magnetism quest is to talk to Ava in her house in northeast Draynor Village. She'll ask you to retrieve some materials from the nearby windmill and rat-infested shed. Once you've retrieved these items, you'll need to use them to repair the machine in Ava's backyard.

From there, you'll need to complete a series of tasks that involve skill-building and combat. You'll need to create a holy symbol by crafting an unstrung symbol using a silver bar and a holy mould, then using it on an altar. You'll also need to collect a skull from the nearby haunted woods and defeat a level 83 Banshee in order to retrieve a statuette that's needed to complete the quest.

You'll be working with a number of different NPCs throughout the quest, including Ava, the undead chickens, and the ghostly apparitions in the haunted woods. As you progress through the quest, you'll learn more about the history of the animal magnetism machine and the people who built it.

One of the most challenging parts of the Animal Magnetism quest is the final boss fight against a level 90 monster called the Barrelchest. This fight can be quite difficult, so make sure you have some good combat equipment and food before you attempt it. Once you've defeated the Barrelchest, you'll be rewarded with the Ava's Accumulator, which is a useful ranged item that automatically retrieves your arrows for you.

In conclusion, the Animal Magnetism quest is a fun and engaging quest that provides a good mix of skill-building and combat challenges. If you're looking for a quest that will test your abilities and give you some great rewards, then we highly recommend giving this one a try. Good luck!

Thank you for reading the Animal Magnetism OSRS Quest Guide. We hope that our guide has helped you in completing this quest. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to leave us a comment below. Be sure to check out our other quest guides on our website to help you with other quests in Old School RuneScape.

Animal Magnetism OSRS Quest Guide

What is Animal Magnetism?

Animal Magnetism is a quest available in Old School RuneScape that requires the player to help Ava in Draynor Manor. The quest involves finding the lost parts of Ava's Accumulator, which is a useful range equipment used by players in OSRS.

How to start the Animal Magnetism Quest?

To start the Animal Magnetism quest, a player should talk to Ava in Draynor Manor. Ava can be found in the western part of the manor, and players must have completed the Ernest the Chicken quest to access her area.

What are the requirements for the Animal Magnetism Quest?

The requirements for the Animal Magnetism quest are:

  • Completion of Ernest the Chicken quest
  • Level 18 Slayer
  • Level 19 Crafting
  • Level 30 Ranged
  • Ability to defeat a level 42 monster (possibility of safespotting)

What are the rewards for completing the Animal Magnetism Quest?

The rewards for completing the Animal Magnetism quest are:

  • 1 Quest Point
  • Ava's Attractor
  • Ava's accumulator (if you lose it you can buy another from Ava for 75 steel arrows)
  • Improved arrow retrieval for Ranged combat
  • Ability to purchase and use Ava's devices
  • Access to Morytania Slayer Tower (medium-level slayer monsters)

How long does the Animal Magnetism Quest take to complete?

The Animal Magnetism quest typically takes around 1-2 hours to complete, depending on the player's level and experience.