Discover the Power of Animal Bones in Final Fantasy Explorers: Unleash your Potential!


Are you a fan of Final Fantasy Explorers? Do you love finding the rarest items in the game? If so, you’re in luck! We’ve recently discovered a secret item that’s extremely crucial to your exploration mission. Introducing – Animal Bones!

That’s right; these seemingly useless animal bones can be a game-changer for you in Final Fantasy Explorers. They unlock new and exciting abilities that can make your gameplay experience all the more thrilling.

But, what exactly are Animal Bones, and how do they work? Well, we’re here to give you all the details.

Firstly, you can obtain Animal Bones by killing animals found throughout the game. Once you’ve collected a few, you’ll need to head over to the Alchemist and use them to craft various items.

But here’s where things get interesting. When you combine specific Animal Bones with other items, they create unique abilities that grant you new powers. Some of these abilities include increased health, strength, and speed, amongst many others.

The best part is that each Animal Bone grants you a different ability. For instance, the Bone of the Beast provides a 15% boost to attack power, while the Bone of the Bird increases your movement speed by 20%.

Now, if you’re thinking that these abilities seem impressive, wait until you know about Fusions. By fusing two Animal Bones together, you’ll receive a more potent ability. For example, merging the Bone of the Beast and the Bone of the Wind grants you the ‘Heavy Hitter’ ability that increases your attack power by 35%!

But, before you go on a hunting spree for these Animal Bones, keep in mind that not all animals hold the desired Animal Bones required to grant you these abilities. So, it's essential to do your research before venturing out.

It's also important to note that some Animal Bones are rarer than others. In particular, the Bone of the Reptile is the rarest and hardest to find. However, once you obtain it, it provides you with the ability to double your critical hit chance!

So, are you ready to up your Final Fantasy Explorers game? With Animal Bones, you won’t have to worry about constantly grinding levels or pushing yourself to limits that are beyond your capabilities.

You’ll have access to unique abilities that’ll give you an edge over your enemies – making your gameplay experience all the more satisfying.

If you’re wondering whether Animal Bones are worth your time, be assured that they are. After all, who wouldn’t want to be able to take down an enemy in a single blow or move at lightning speed?

The bottom line is that Animal Bones hold immense potential. They’re the perfect solution for those seeking a quick way to gain an advantage in Final Fantasy Explorers.

So, what are you waiting for? Head out and start collecting Animal Bones today!


For fans of the Final Fantasy series, one of the most exciting aspects of the games is the abundance of items to collect. From weapons and armor to rare treasures and crafting materials, there are countless things to discover in each installment of the franchise. One such item that players might encounter in Final Fantasy Explorers is the animal bone.

What are Animal Bones?

Animal bones are exactly what they sound like – the bones of creatures that can be found throughout the game world. These items are important for a few key reasons:

  • They can be sold for Gil (the in-game currency)
  • They are used as crafting materials for certain weapons and gear
  • They can be used as Monster Materials for some Eidolons

How to Obtain Animal Bones

Animal bones can be obtained by defeating various enemies throughout the game. Different monsters have different chances of dropping bones, so it's important to keep an eye out for the creatures that are more likely to provide them as loot. In some cases, players may also be able to obtain bones from completing quests or finding them as treasure.

Uses for Animal Bones

As mentioned above, there are a few different uses for animal bones in Final Fantasy Explorers. The most straightforward is simply selling them for Gil – if you find yourself short on cash, clearing out your inventory of excess bones can be a good way to pad your wallet.

However, many players will want to hold onto their bones for their crafting potential. Certain weapons and armor require animal bones as a material for crafting, so it's important to keep a good stockpile in case you need to make something later on.

Finally, animal bones can be traded in to summon certain Eidolons (powerful creatures that can fight alongside you in battle). These special bones are known as Monster Materials and are required for specific summons.

Which Monsters Drop Animal Bones?

In Final Fantasy Explorers, there are a few different monsters that are known for dropping animal bones. Here are a few examples:

  • Sorrytooth (found in the Tida region)
  • Bloodhorn (found in the Mag Mell ruins)
  • Myrmecoleon (found in the volcano area)
  • Deathgaze (found in the sky area)

Of course, there are many other enemies that can drop bones as well, so it's important to keep an eye out and experiment with different areas and monsters.


Animal bones may not be the most exciting item in Final Fantasy Explorers, but they are definitely useful. Whether you're selling them for cash, crafting new gear, or summoning Eidolons, having a good stockpile of bones can make your adventure much easier. Be sure to keep an eye out for monsters that drop them as loot, and don't be afraid to farm for them if necessary. Happy exploring!

Final Fantasy Explorers: Comparing Animal Bones

Final Fantasy Explorers is a well-known video game franchise that has delighted millions of fans over the years. One of the latest Ilokas in this treasured range is called Animal Bones. In this post, we'll compare the different creatures and animals in Animal Bones to see which is the best.

The Behemoth: The Classic Fantasy Monster

The Behemoth is a classic Final Fantasy monster that's been terrifying fans since the franchise's very first iteration. This enormous creature is known for its massive size and brute strength. In Final Fantasy Explorers, this monster is one of the most difficult to defeat, being both unpredictable and challenging. Its animal bone drops are coveted by players as they can help improve an Explorer's HP and defense stats significantly.

Stats for Behemoth's Animal Bone drops:

Animal Bone Name HP Bonus Defense Bonus
Behemoth Hide +30 +28
Behemoth Horn +34 +24
Behemoth Heart +20 +40

The Coeurl: A Feline Predator with an Edge

The Coeurl is another Final Fantasy staple, well-known to fans of the franchise. This feline beast is often seen prowling around forests and jungles, hunting for prey. In Final Fantasy Explorers, the coeurl serves as a quick and nimble opponent that players can defeat with a well-timed strike. Its animal bone drops revolve around improved accuracy and damage, making it an attractive prospect to those looking for a boost.

Stats for Coeurl's Animal Bone drops:

Animal Bone Name Accuracy Bonus Damage Bonus
Coeurl Whisker +20 +10
Coeurl Pelt +24 +12
Coeurl Tail +30 +15

The Goblin: A Tricky Little Imp

Goblins are common enemies in many fantasy RPGs, and Final Fantasy is no different. These little imps often appear in groups and use tricky tactics to bring down their opponents. In Final Fantasy Explorers, Goblins are light, agile enemies who use their numbers and mobility to dart around the battlefield quickly. Their animal bone drops usually boost critical hit rate and evasion, making them ideal for players who prefer a more tactical combat style.

Stats for Goblin's Animal Bone drops:

Animal Bone Name Critical Hit Rate Bonus Evasion Bonus
Goblin Claw +15 +22
Goblin Jawbone +18 +26
Goblin Eye +20 +30

The Conclusion: Which Animal Bone is Best?

There are plenty of different creatures and animals to choose from in Final Fantasy Explorers' Animal Bones. Each one has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, as well as its own set of animal bone drops. Depending on your play style, you might prefer the Behemoth's HP and defense boosts, the Coeurl's accuracy and damage bonuses or the Goblin's critical hit rate and evasion bonuses. Ultimately the choice is yours, and the best way to find out what suits you is to try them all!

The Power behind Final Fantasy Explorers Animal Bones


Are you searching for a way to boost your character's stats in Final Fantasy Explorers? The answer might be closer than you think! In this article, we will be exploring the untapped power of animal bones and how they can help you become stronger in the game.

What are Animal Bones?

Animal Bones refer to specific items that you can collect and craft in Final Fantasy Explorers. You can obtain these bones by defeating various monsters throughout the game, which will drop them as loot. These bones represent the animal's body parts, and once crafted, they can provide unique abilities and bonuses to your character.

Why Should You Care about Animal Bones?

If you want an edge over your opponents and become more powerful, then you should definitely care about animal bones. By using them wisely, you can enhance your character's stats and perform better in combat. Animal bones are necessary if you plan on facing challenging quests or powerful bosses.

How to Get Animal Bones

As mentioned before, animal bones can be obtained by defeating monsters during quests. They can also be found within treasure chests, and some can only be collected by completing specific achievements. It is worth noting that not all monsters drop animal bones, so it will require some grinding to get the bones you need.

How to Craft Animal Bones

To craft animal bones, you must first have the required materials and the necessary crafting recipe. You can purchase some recipes from shops or earn them from achievements. Once you have the recipe, approach the crafting station, select the recipe, and insert the required materials. If successful, you'll receive the desired bone, ready to equip to your character.

Type of Animal Bones and their Effects

There are several types of animal bones that you can craft in Final Fantasy Explorers. Each of them provides unique effects, which can be grouped into different categories.

Offensive Bones

For players that prefer an offensive playstyle, there are animal bones like the Fangs and Talons. These bones increase physical and magic attacks, critical hit rate, and job specific skills. For those who rely on ranged attacks, there's also the option to craft Bones that increase accuracy.

Defensive Bones

If you're looking for something more defensive, then animal bones like the Shells and Horns may interest you. These bones increase defenses, resistance to status ailments, maximum HP, and even healing powers. Be sure to consider your armor sets and accessories, because some bones provide great synergy.

Special Bones

Last but not least, we have the Special Bones category. This category includes various unique bones, each with a particular purpose outside of combat. For instance, the Feather Bone increases movement speed, which is excellent for traversing large areas. The Eye Bone increases drop rates, making it easier to collect rare materials and treasure chests.


Final Fantasy Explorers Animal Bones offer many possibilities for players to become stronger and acquire unique abilities. With various types of bones available, always consider what suits your playstyle. Be patient when collecting bones, because it requires some grinding, but the payoff is worth it. So, grab your favorite weapon and start hunting monsters now!

Final Fantasy Explorers Animal Bone: Uncovering the Mystery

Final Fantasy Explorers is a game that introduces players to a brand new world full of adventure and exploration. One of the most exciting parts about the game is discovering new items and resources that can be used to enhance abilities and unlock hidden powers. One such resource is the Animal Bone, which is shrouded in mystery and uncertainty. In this article, we will explore the Animal Bone's origins, uses, and the best ways to obtain them.

To start with, Animal Bones are primarily obtained by defeating monsters and breaking off their bony appendages. One of the most reliable sources of Animal Bones is the Behemoth, a ferocious beast that can be found roaming around different locations in the game. However, defeating it is no easy feat, and players must prepare themselves for a challenging battle.

The next question to ask is, what are Animal Bones used for? The answer to that is straightforward. Animal Bones are an essential ingredient required for crafting a variety of items, including weapons, armor, and accessories. Without Animal Bones, players cannot progress through the game's crafting system and miss out on the powerful items that could have changed their gaming experience. It is thus imperative to obtain as many Animal Bones as possible, which fortunately isn't impossible.

Another way to obtain Animal Bones is by undertaking quests and missions that specifically require the item. A few missions may request players to collect a certain number of Animal Bones before taking up the task. These are some of the most efficient ways to get your hands on Animal Bones while playing Final Fantasy Explorers.

It is essential to note that not all monsters drop Animal Bones when slain. While some monsters like the Behemoth are known to leave behind high-quality Animal Bones, other monsters may only drop smaller, less valuable pieces of the item. Furthermore, players should keep in mind that they are not guaranteed to obtain Animal Bones every time they kill a monster. Therefore, players must prepare themselves to put in some time and effort to collect Animal Bones actively.

One tip for farming Animal Bones is to identify the monsters that give out the highest quality bones and focus on defeating them repeatedly. This process will likely yield more results than continually slaying weaker monsters in hopes of obtaining the item. Players must also consider using equipment and abilities that increase their chances of finding Animal Bones. Some accessories, for example, boost the chances of getting rare items like Animal Bones, making it essential to equip oneself with these items before undertaking a hunt.

Lastly, Animal Bones are an essential ingredient for crafting some of the game's most powerful weapons and armor. Players who want to acquire these items must ensure they have a sufficient number of Animal Bones to proceed through the crafting system. Crafting is a crucial component of Final Fantasy Explorers, and players must put in the effort to gather as many resources as possible to proceed through it without any impediments.

In conclusion, the Animal Bone is a critical resource in Final Fantasy Explorers, and players must make rigorous efforts to obtain it. While it may entail extensive efforts to acquire Animal Bones, the time and investment are well worth it. Whether you're a newcomer to the game or an experienced gameplay veteran, Animal Bones are indispensable in unlocking some of the game's best-hidden secrets. Gear yourself up, stock up on supplies and get ready to explore the world of Final Fantasy Explorers in all its glory!

Thank you for reading our article about Final Fantasy Explorers Animal Bone, and we hope it has been informative and helpful. Keep following us for more exciting updates and tips on gaming!

People Also Ask About Final Fantasy Explorers Animal Bone

What is Final Fantasy Explorers Animal Bone?

Final Fantasy Explorers Animal Bone is a video game released for the Nintendo 3DS in Japan in 2014 and the United States in 2016. This action role-playing game allows players to explore, battle, and collect resources in a Final Fantasy-themed world.

How do I obtain animal bones in Final Fantasy Explorers?

Animal bones can be obtained by defeating monsters in battle and breaking parts of their body. The type of animal bone you receive depends on the type of monster you defeat. Some monsters have a higher chance of dropping certain types of bones than others.

What are animal bones used for in Final Fantasy Explorers?

Animal bones are used as materials to craft weapons, armor, and other items. They are also used to unlock different abilities for your characters. Each type of bone has a specific use and level requirement.

Can I trade animal bones with other players in Final Fantasy Explorers?

Unfortunately, trading animal bones with other players is not possible in Final Fantasy Explorers. However, you can use them to create powerful equipment to help you on your adventures.

How many types of animal bones are there in Final Fantasy Explorers?

There are 31 different types of animal bones in Final Fantasy Explorers, each corresponding to a specific monster. Some of the rarest and most powerful items require multiple types of bones to create.

Is Final Fantasy Explorers Animal Bone suitable for all ages?

Final Fantasy Explorers Animal Bone is recommended for players aged 10 and up due to its fantasy violence and mild language.

Can I play Final Fantasy Explorers Animal Bone on a non-Japanese 3DS?

Yes, Final Fantasy Explorers Animal Bone can be played on any Nintendo 3DS system, regardless of region. However, players may need to purchase the game from a specialized importer or use a region-free device to bypass regional lockouts.